Serbia's First Biennial Update Report
The GEF funded project “Serbia’s First Update Report” is implemented by UNDP Serbia in partnership with Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.
Serbia as a non-Annex I Party to the UNFCCC has obligation to prepare its biennial update reports, and should submit BURs once every two years, while National Communications should submit once every four years.
Since UNFCCC ratification, efforts have been made to set up an appropriate policy, institutional and legal framework to meet Convention commitments, including submitting the Initial National Communication (INC) to the UNFCCC in 2010. With regards to the CDM Serbia is making quick progress, with the first seven projects having been registered since November 2011.
Serbia’s aspiration to become an EU member has acted as a major driver for climate change-related action, mostly through the harmonization of national legislation with EU acquis communautaire, therefore it is important to establish the legal and institutional framework for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) required by the EU Directive 2009/29/EC.
Key challenges remain the development of monitoring and assessment methods taking into account that there is no official data in Serbia on energy end-use in residential, commercial and public services' sectors, as well as in transport and lack of data in industry sectors. Additionally, there is a lack of data collection and preparation of GHG inventory on a regular basis.
The establishment of a biennial reporting cycle to UNFCCC has important implications for strengthening Serbia’s technical and institutional capacity in the area of climate change. Though Serbia retains a strong commitment to implement the UNFCCC the country is facing a number of significant constraints – in particular the lack of capacities and complete operational system for the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of climate change-related activities.
The project’s goal is to prepare First Biennial Update Report (FBUR) to the Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) according to Decision 2/CP.17.
- Project duration: 2014 - 2015
- Project funding: Total budget is US$ 401.827; the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is providing US$ 352,000, project partners are providing the remaining amount through in-kind contributions.
- Project is being implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection and Serbian Environmental Protection Agency.
Key Activities
- Preparation of GHG inventory for the period 2010-2013
- Mitigation analysis
- Improvement of domestic Measurement, Reporting and Verification arrangements
- Update information on national circumstances, financial, technology and capacity building needs
- GHG inventory for the period 2010-2013 prepared
- Mitigation action plan until 2030 developed
- Appropriate arrangements for domestic Measurement, Reporting and Verification supported
- Information on national circumstances, financial, technology and capacity building needs updated
Synergies with other UNDP projects:
- Second National Communication to the UNFCCC for Serbia
Joint actions for strengthening capacities for combating climate change, awareness rising on climate change issues, as well as establishing biennial reporting cycle
- Reducing Barriers to Accelerate the Development of Biomass Markets in Serbia
Contribution to the development of mitigation programme/action plan until 2020 for Serbia
- Support to Sustainable Urban Transport in the City of Belgrade
Joint actions for strengthening capacities for combating climate change, awareness rising on climate change issues
- Disaster Loss Database Establishment in the Republic of Serbia
Joint actions for strengthening capacities for combating climate change, awareness rising on climate change issues
Linking climate change stakeholders
- To integrate climate change issues into the broader development planning process of the country
- Supporting synchronized and strategic approach to climate change issues in Serbia (UNFCCC & EU directives)