Creation of a monitoring, reporting and verification system for the successful implementation of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in the Republic of Serbia


Department for Climate Change of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection is implementing EU-funded Twinning Project “Creation of a monitoring, reporting and verification system for the successful implementation of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)”. This is an IPA 2012 funded project. Overall goal of the project is to contribute to reduction of greenhouse gas emission in an effective and economically viable way. Purpose of the project is to establish sustainable system for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) for effective implementation of the EU Directive 2009/29/EC on the emission trading system (EU ETS). One of the project results would be development of legislative and institutional framework for implementation of the EU ETS Directive. Project has been initiated on 16 September 2013 and will last until September 2015. Twinning partners are competent institutions from France, Germany and Austria. 

So far, a number of expert missions have been arranged, preliminary list of the EU ETS facilities was produced and Training Programme was prepared for representatives of relevant institutions, industry and potential verifiers. Besides that, preparation of relevant laws and bylaws that are necessary for complete implementation is in progress. Assessment of transition measures for compliance with the system was performed as well as analyses of the costs for energy sector and implementation plan for stationary facilities and plane operators for the pre accession period. Government of Serbia approved Report on establishment of institutional arrangements for implementation of MRV.

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