UN supports Serbia in responding to climate change
The United Nations has an important role in addressing climate change. The cooperation between Government of Serbia and the UN aims at strengthening the institutional and human resources capacities of Serbia to deal with climate change.
The UN has consistently taken the lead in taking on climate change globally. In 1992, its “Earth Summit” produced the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a first step in tackling the problem. Five years later emission reduction targets for industrialized countries were agreed in the Kyoto Protocol, which has already helped stabilize and in some cases reduce emissions in a number of countries.
Serbia ratified the UNFCCC in 2001 and since the ratification considerable efforts have been made in establishing legal, institutional and policy frameworks aimed at fulfilling the commitments resulting from the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol.
The severe flooding in May 2014 in Serbia demonstrated the need for more ambitious climate change responses in Serbia. In addition to ongoing flood recovery, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is supporting the country in fulfilling the requirements of the Convention by assisting in the reporting on the implementation of the UNFCCC. The Initial National Communication published in 2010 will be followed by the Second National Communication in 2015 together with the First Biennal Update Report.